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SV Avatar of author Stanislav Vachulka | 19/09/2024
Všechno proběhlo v naprostém pořádku. Od objednání až po doručení, komunikace obchodu byla vstřícná a na profesionální úrovni. Velká spokojenost.
LP Avatar of author Ladislav Popek | 19/09/2024
naprostá spokojenost
MH Avatar of author Milan Hajny | 19/09/2024
Super stav dle nabidky rychle dodani mohu jen doporucit
JP Avatar of author Jiří Pexa | 18/09/2024
jsem spokojen
JM Avatar of author Jan Maruska | 18/09/2024
Rychle dodani. Max. spokojenost...
RK Avatar of author Rudolf Kučeřík | 18/09/2024
AA Avatar of author Antonín Ambrož | 18/09/2024
SB Avatar of author Stanislav Bujňáček | 17/09/2024
JF Avatar of author Josef Feno | 17/09/2024
RH Avatar of author René Hýbl | 17/09/2024
Bleskové dodaní,maximální spokojenost s výrobkem.
JV Avatar of author Jakub Vojáček | 17/09/2024
Naprosto super cena rychlé dodání,nakupuji poněkolikáté velice spokojen.
VC Avatar of author Vladimir Cirek | 17/09/2024
PK Avatar of author Pavel kubík | 16/09/2024
JP Avatar of author Jiří Pos | 15/09/2024
Až na malé problémy už jsem spokojený Písu za 5
JV Avatar of author Jindřich Vácha | 14/09/2024
ZK Avatar of author Zdeněk Kirschbaum | 14/09/2024
PK Avatar of author Petr Komárek | 14/09/2024
MJ Avatar of author Miloslav Jelinek | 12/09/2024
TB Avatar of author Tomáš Borovička | 12/09/2024
As the purchase a nd delivery of product is concern everthing was perfect. Only there is the following question : - Have you delivered to me product with empty capsule and / or blind cartriges or not ? I put product into the shooting but shoot was blind ( no bullet left the barel, but function of trigger seed to be OK ). - in case of confirmation of my suspition will you able to accept my order for functionable ammunition /capsule ? Thanks for your reply.
LK Avatar of author Lucie Kohoutová | 12/09/2024
Velmi ochotní prodavači